The Women Lawyers Association of Malawi (WLA) is a non-profit organisation that is working towards championing the promotion and protection of the human rights of women and children to contribute to the realisation and enjoyment of those rights through legal services, advocacy and research. WLA comprises …… women lawyers from both public and private sectors and allows for honorary membership of male lawyers.

to champion the promotion and protection of the human rights of women and children with a view to contributing to the realization and enjoyment of those rights through legal services, advocacy and research.
Our Aim
- To promote among the Malawian society respect for human rights, more especially of women and children;
- To assist women and children to attain effective protection under the law and to bring about social harmony and peace through the law;
- To be a watchdog of all the legislation that is discriminatory, oppressive or unconstitutional as regards women and children and ensuring that the same is amended/repealed in line with internationally accepted standards of human rights;
- To create unity and foster good relations among women lawyers locally and partners in the justice system.
WLA Focuses on Two Thematic Objectives
- to assist women and children attain effective protection under the law and to bring about social harmony and peace through the law; and
- to promoting respect for human rights, especially of women and children. WLA members have substantial experience in promoting human rights and conducting activities for legal empowerment and coordinating.